A few words about

What We Do

We organise vocational training workshops dedicated to empowering widows, single mothers, and women in need. This is usually in partnership with local charities and businesses. Attendees with viable micro-business proposals are considered for the award of grants.

Empowerment Workshops

At Health to Wealth Foundation, we undertake a range of initiatives to address the diverse needs of our community. From training and empowerment workshops to providing services, direct cash/items donations and micro-business start-up grants, here's a glimpse into our activities:

Orphanage Donation

In the spirit of giving, we donate food, other items and cash to orphanages in Kumba and beyond in Cameroon, spreading joy and support.

Micro-Business Grants

Individuals with a small business proposal can apply for our grants. Applications are reviewed against set criteria and availability of funds, and successful recipients receive professional support to kickstart their businesses.

Want to make a difference?

Help us raise money for our humanitarian causes